I have made new blog. It's only in Finnish,sorry.
I won't update this blog anymore, but check out my new one! (click image)
lauantai 28. huhtikuuta 2012
tiistai 7. helmikuuta 2012
First time posting with my phone :D
Here I am at His Master's Tattoo. No i'm not getting any tattoos atm. I am supporting Lare cuz she is getting one at this very moment and I can tell ya; it looks beautiful and it's not ready yet :)
Anyway this is just mini post with few pics.
Last Friday I got my hair done and trimmed at Sokos's hairsalon. I would not usually go there cuz it's quite expencive but I wanted to treat myself ^^
So i have fringe now :D i really can't remember when was
the last time i had fringe....
Anyway here are some pics of my new hair ^^
EDIT: 2 pics turned and re uploaded.
maanantai 23. tammikuuta 2012
Gallup in Finnish and some cell phone pics
So, here are some cell phone pics. I'm gonna put them first so you don't have to scroll and scroll bcause of that gallub xD
First pics from last Friday when I only went to my bf's place and later to buy me pair of jeans.
Really classy 'Doing mah hair pic' :---D
Then we skip to Saturday when I got ready for Jonna's party. I don't have pics from there bcause my phones battery was soooo low -.-'' And I was sober for whole night, damn I'm good!! Well I had to bcause I borrowed my mom's car to get there and back home :D
Lol I love my leopard pj pants x3
Our journey goes on to Monday !! Yeah I mean 23th :---D Lol what a diva pose... plus I was too lazy to wear lenses :P I spend the evening with Ilari. Some food from Subway and The Big Bang Theory, ME GUSTA! ♥
Also Salatut Elämät got back from winter brake yay!! Loyal fan is loyal watching while her bf is playing Star Wars Old Republic xD
I look so fat in this cuz I am curled up in the corner of the sofa -.-''
Okay that's about it... now to the gallup :D If ya not interested just skip it :)
Teen tän tänne ku mun teki hirveesti mieli tehä tää ja ku en galtsuu tai kuvaketta enää oikee käytä ja feisbaa näitä ei tehä nii kärsikää xD
Tee tämä suosikkibändistäsi tai -artististasi blogiisi.
1. Mikä on suosikkibändisi /- artistisi nimi?
- X Japan
2. Oletko antanut bändille / artistille ns. lempinimiä ?
- Äxä, X
3. Onko sinulla yhtään sen levyjä ?
- Yksi :---D
4. Entä muuta fanikamaa?
- Ei mitää virallista, mutta tatuointi, itse painettu huppari, tulostettuja kuvia/julisteita, muisto taulu Taijille ja hidelle ja hidelle muistonauhat (Taijin en oo viel tehny :---D) hidest ois kyl virallist matskuu...
5. Kuka jäsenistä on lempparisi?
- hide
6. Mitkä ovat lempibiisisi bändiltä?
- Endless Rain
7. Oletko ollut kyseisen bändin keikalla ?
- oisinki... vittu
8. Lempi albumisi kyseiseltä bändiltä/ artistilta?
- Blue Blood
9. Jos saisit tavata yhden bändin jäsenistä, kenet tapaisit ?
- hiden, jos se ei ois kuollu xDD Yoshikin niistä elossa olevista
10. Oletko itkenyt jonkun bändin kappaleen takia? Jos olet niin minkä?
- vielä kysyt!! perus hide angstien lisäks biiseille ofc
11. Oletko rekisteröitynyt bändin fanifoorumille?
- e...
12. Mikä oli ensimmäinen biisi jonka kuulit bändiltä?
- Taisi olla Kurenai
13. Pidätkö biisistä yhä?
- Daa!
14. Mikä on bändin paras musiikkivideo ?
- Rusty Nailin 2010 versio. Tosin Sugizost en tykää.
15. Katsotko suosikkibändisi videoita usein?
- kyllä
16. Kuinka monta jäsentä bändiin / artistin bändiin kuuluu?
- no tota lasketaanko me kaikki entiset?? 20?? mut siis 2 kuollutta ja 5 elossa olevaa
17. Oletko nähnyt unta bändin jäsenistä?
- muunmuassa panounen Heathin kanssa missä sillä oli harmaat uggit jalassa
18. Oletko nähnyt bändistä/artisitista unta, millaista?
- ^
19. Soiko tämän kyseisen bändin biisi tälläkin hetkellä ?
- ei...
20. Osaatko nimetä kaikki bändin jäsenet kuvan perusteella?
21. Pitävätkö ystäväsi kyseisestä bändistä ?
- Muutama
22. Kuinka usein kuuntelet bändin musiikkia?
- joka päivä
23. Miksi kuuntelet juuri tätä bändiä?
- hitostako minä tiiän :D Noora koukutti
24. Mitä hyötyä bändistä on ollut sinulle?
- Löysin biisin mun häihin ja myös hautajaisiin, yksi tatuointi ja ja.... no nää tulee mielee...
(Just made in this pic)
25. Entä mitä haittaa?
- Mua on pidetty outona mun X perinteiden takia.
26. Oletko koskaan halunnut lopettaa fanittamisen?
- en
27. Onko bändi suosittu Suomessa?
- ei
28. Ovatko muut sanoneet sinua hulluksi fanituksesi takia?
- on sen takia kun käytänmuistonauhoja hiden kuolin ja synnyin päivänä ja vien kyseisinä päivinä kynttilän hautausmaalle ja jouluna myös
29. Mitä tekisit, jos joku bändin jäsenistä kuolisi?
- on jo kuollu mutta noh... angstaisin.
30. Tiedätkö suosikkibändistäsi paljon?
- ösemisti
31. Mikä on tämän kyseisen bändin laulukieli?
- Japani ja englanti
32. Olisitko valmis mihin tahansa päästäksesi näkemään bändin jäsenet läheltä?
- kuules ;)
33. Kenestä pidit eniten, kun olit vasta alkanut kuuntelemaan bändiä?
- hide
34. Onko hän edelleen lempijäsenesi?
- kyl
35. Löytyykö koneeltasi kuvia kyseisestä bändistä ?
- Vaihoin just konetta nii ei mut ulkoisella kovalevyllä o
36. Entä onko yhtään biisiä josta et niin hirveästi pidä?
- Joker ja easy fight rumbling tulee ny ekana mielee
37. Kuka on bändin viehättävin (komein, kaunein, söpöin) tyyppi?
- hide
38. Löytyykö seiniltäsi tämän bändin julisteita yms?
- Juliste hidestä joka on itse painettu digipainokoneella ja kuvia. Sit hide ja spread beaver seinälippu
49. Uskotko olevasi fani vielä vuoden päästä?
- Joo en missää nimes siis muuten vaa otin tatuoinnin :----D no tietenki!!
Okay I am heading to bed.... early morning and yeah... NO ME GUSTA!!!
Take Care
XOXO Micah
torstai 19. tammikuuta 2012
Nothing much
So if the SOPA bill is passed tomorrow:
- I love you all so much.
- You are all such good, strong people, and you deserve the best the world has to offer.
- Thank you for listening to my rants, dealing with my spam and other shit.
- You are amazing.
Just saying...
Take Care
xoxo Micah
keskiviikko 18. tammikuuta 2012
Imma alive!!
Joo tiiän oon ihan kauhee ihminen ku en päivitä... No ihastuttaakseni pientä lukija kuntaani (eli minä) ja toteuttaakseni minun ja Elinan sopimuksen niin päivittelen nyt kuulumisia :) Löimme nimittäin kättä päälle maanantaina aamu bussissa, että molemmat päivittää tällä viikolla ja dead line on sunnuntaina klo 22:00. Tänään lintsasin sit koulusta nii mulla on jopa aikaa vääntää tänne jotain kuulumisia :D
Yeah I know I haven't post anything in a........... well u kno. I made deal with Elina that we both update our blog before next Sunday 10 pm, so here is my part of the deal. I skipped school today so I finally have some time to tell you guys how I'm doing :)
I apologize that the following information is really out of date but it's important information anyway xD
(on 15ht of November 2011 I turned 20)
So.... 18ht of November 2011 we celebrated my friend Arja's 21ht bday :)![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjY4xFi7lyy91DwF7e6l1vtZyOSnd_GKVn_dnIZpQYHX0AZjovXJ2YdIucSliC5SPHBNhMqwvzFv0G5C24tJ1mQJMoZeV1xNz3om5_NPhr3nb40wG0Dh31efOcktf25G5zVCjjpot4L3I8/s320/arjanbileet.jpg)
Yeah I know I haven't post anything in a........... well u kno. I made deal with Elina that we both update our blog before next Sunday 10 pm, so here is my part of the deal. I skipped school today so I finally have some time to tell you guys how I'm doing :)
I apologize that the following information is really out of date but it's important information anyway xD
(on 15ht of November 2011 I turned 20)
So.... 18ht of November 2011 we celebrated my friend Arja's 21ht bday :)
From left to right: Annely, Arja, me and Heta
So at the party I met Ilari and well everything after that has been the main reason why I haven't update my blog xDD
And to get back at my last entry; I AM BETTER THAN OK NOW ^^ and I think that the main reason to that is Ilari ^^ I don't have a lot pics from us and those pics I have are at facebook xDD Well anyway here is few :D
We had fun playing with Ilari's webcam at night when we were at Multia. We celebrated new years eve at Ilari's friends house at Multia (small.... town/village?? 1 hour a away from my hometown) and few days we were visiting Ilari's mom and her husband. I had a lot of fun ^^
Yeah we don't have any cool pics of us together... Only these xD and only pic i have from new years eve is this pic of Ilari when I tested how my new phone's camera works at dark room :D well not in bitch black but anyway xDD
Ilari was also testing his camera and taking pics of me in this pic but I haven't get those photos :---D Anyway I had the best new years eve EVER! Thanks to everyone there ^^
And yeah... In past 2 months I've been hanging out with Ilari, school, playing video games and yeah that's it :DD
I got Xbox 360 for xmas gift so I've became a nerd xDD I also got new computer and phone at December so yeah...
And I'm going again to Seppälä for my work-practice-period so don't whine about "wear something else than seppälä clothes" because I have to wear their clothes at while working :P
Hmm... nothing else :DD I am going to make that make up video as soon I have time :) I try to make some time at weekend but we will see that :)
Take care!
XOXO Micah
sunnuntai 25. syyskuuta 2011
I need break when it comes to blogging. Few reasons:
XOXO Micah
- My own computer has been broken and I'm not going to fix it. I have to use my mom's computer so I have to wait to get a new own one. This means that I don't have photoshop, I can't edit videos, I can't download anything, I can't upload pics from my camera.
- I have absolutely no inspiration to update my blog.
- I'm busy with school, gym and other stuff.
- My personal life is fucked up. I'm okay, don't worry. I'm making my own life living hell by over thinking everything! I can't explain it but I'm not afraid to say: I'M NOT OKAY!
XOXO Micah
maanantai 5. syyskuuta 2011
GEO Extra Forest Brown
These are other pair of lenses I ordered few weeks ago
As usually I ordered these from Eyecandy Lens. Lenses came with my Mist Violet lenses, shipping was totally free and took 7 days. I got free lens case and also free "bag/"pouch" thing with these.
Brand: GEO
Origin: South Korea
Water content: 38% - 42%
Diameter: 15.0 mm
Base Curve: 8.4 - 8.6 (lense vial says 8.7)
Power: plano, -0.50 to -5.00 (0.25 step), -5.50, -6.00
Duration: 1 year disposable
Forest series comes also in black, blue, gray, green pink and violet. When I ordered my first lenses I was planing to buy these in green but in the end I ended up with my Candy Doll Green lenses :D I'm so clad that I finally bought these cuz I love the design ^^
As you can see, they blend pretty well with my own eye color. Also design is unique. I have never seen replica or even similar design of these lenses! These lenses make my eyes sparkle but still they look natural IMO. Outer ring isn't that bold and brown color is so close to my own eye color.
Design 9½/10
Love love love love!! just love. A bit smaller pupil "hole" could be better..
Comfort 9/10
GEO BRIDE! As always I love GEO! But I still really sunny and really windy days are well ya kno :DDD Sunny = a bit blurry vision, windy = a bit dry. But this is so rare for me so score is still 9/10
Enlargement 9/10
Darker and bolder outer black ring could make these even bigger looking. But still enlargement is huge ^^
Total 9½/10
These are my everyday lenses and maybe they'll end up my favorite pair :)
XOXO Micah
As usually I ordered these from Eyecandy Lens. Lenses came with my Mist Violet lenses, shipping was totally free and took 7 days. I got free lens case and also free "bag/"pouch" thing with these.
Brand: GEO
Origin: South Korea
Water content: 38% - 42%
Diameter: 15.0 mm
Base Curve: 8.4 - 8.6 (lense vial says 8.7)
Power: plano, -0.50 to -5.00 (0.25 step), -5.50, -6.00
Duration: 1 year disposable
Forest series comes also in black, blue, gray, green pink and violet. When I ordered my first lenses I was planing to buy these in green but in the end I ended up with my Candy Doll Green lenses :D I'm so clad that I finally bought these cuz I love the design ^^
As you can see, they blend pretty well with my own eye color. Also design is unique. I have never seen replica or even similar design of these lenses! These lenses make my eyes sparkle but still they look natural IMO. Outer ring isn't that bold and brown color is so close to my own eye color.
Design 9½/10
Love love love love!! just love. A bit smaller pupil "hole" could be better..
Comfort 9/10
GEO BRIDE! As always I love GEO! But I still really sunny and really windy days are well ya kno :DDD Sunny = a bit blurry vision, windy = a bit dry. But this is so rare for me so score is still 9/10
Enlargement 9/10
Darker and bolder outer black ring could make these even bigger looking. But still enlargement is huge ^^
Total 9½/10
These are my everyday lenses and maybe they'll end up my favorite pair :)
XOXO Micah
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